so here's a quick snapshot of a real live married music major...
i'm busier than i've ever been in my life.
marching band takes pretty much the whole thing alone. it's takes about 10-12 hours a week for a whopping 1 credit hour. i do like it and it's fun and good times and all...but it takes a lot of time.
know what the funny thing is? one of the other classes that worries me the most is worth...guess how many not 2...not 1...that's right...ZERO! yes. i actually have a required zero credit class. it's something called go to 13 recitals/concerts (without being doesn't count if you are). i do have one out of the way though. it was a sitar recital that went half an hour later than it was supposed to.
now...i can understand going a couple minutes...but do you not know that your program goes 30 minutes longer than you're posted time? how are you just completely unaware that what you're playing isn't 2 hours? and that it is in fact 150 dang minutes? it blew my mind a an annoying want to yell out from the crowd "hey! stop playing the sitar! and if your not, at least stop playing that droning D! and you! hand drummer guy! you rock a little..."
back to my life...i'm pretty much never home. i leave the house at about 7am and on most days, i don't get back until about 9:20 or 30 pm. it's a little draining.
with that said, i like my life. it's good. my mission president said, when teaching about planning, that some one whose schedule looks like this (holding up a planner that had every half hour planned out with a back up plan if the plan fell through) are the ones who are going to be the most successful at life. i guess i'm going to be successful then because my schedule is pretty much that know...except without the backup plans and the actual planning...
i just know when my classes are and do homework in between and practice when i can...then i do more homework when i get home at 9 something...usually until about 11something. it's good times.
my life is good though. i'm married to a very awesome teacher girl. she's pregnant with our baby. i love her very much and don't think i could get through everything i'm doing with out her. she helps me stay focused at the end of the day to get that one thing left to do done. she makes me lunch so i'll eat before 6. she made a calendar for me so i know when things are due. and all this she does on top of being pregnant and teaching 8 college classes that's right...8. she's so wonderful. she's the best. i also feel like i'm weird. and what i mean is...the stereotype is that when women are pregnant, they're crazy and drive us men crazy. she doesn't drive me crazy. i actually feel like i'm falling for her even more.
maybe not weird...but the luckiest:)
so in short, i'm busy and frustrated...and i'm worried about not being able to finish everything...but life is good...because i choose it to be and my wife is the best wife since wives were invented on this earth...and i'm the least biased person you could ask.